Identifying The Worker's Philosophy In , Construction Firms by Using The McGregor's Assumptions


  • ShaifuI Amri Mansur Department of Structures and Materials Faculty of Civil Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia



There are many popular theories of leadership and motivation that have been
discu ssed and applied by managers to motivate subordinates. Two ways of
looking at people are by using theory X and theory Y. As these analyses are
about human characteristics therefore, the theories may vary with culture and
economy. There are also differences between the actual underlying beliefs of the
managers and the subordinat es perception s of the managers' beliefs. A survey
was conducted to obtain the workers' beliefs and perception s on leadership
characteri stics in various construction firms in four states of Malaysia. The
survey involved people of many position s from owners to general labourers. The
results of the survey indicated that the cumulative actual beliefs and perceptions
of the workers is towards theory Y.


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Walton, M., Deming Management At Work, New York, Perigee Books,

J Olson, R.c., Production Leadership and Motivation, AGC Productivity

Improvement, Bulletin II, Publication No. 16, The AGC of America,

N.W., Washington D.C., 1990.

J Oglesby, C.H., Parker, H.W., and Howell, G.A., Productivity

Improvement [n Construction, McGraw-Hill, 1989.

Warren, R. H., Motivation and Productivity in Construction Industry,

.Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1989.

McGregor, D., The Human Side of Enterprise, New York, McGrawHill,

Ouchi, W., Theory Z, Wesley, Stony Book, N.Y., 1981.







How to Cite

Identifying The Worker’s Philosophy In , Construction Firms by Using The McGregor’s Assumptions. (2018). Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 11(1).