Virtual Environment, unimanual 3D Interaction, Object ManipulationAbstract
In a 3D user interface, interaction plays an important role in helping users to manipulate 3D objects in virtual environments. 3D devices, such as data glove and motion tracking, can potentially give users the opportunity to manipulate 3D objects in virtual reality environments such as checking, zooming, translating, rotating, merging and splitting 3D objects in a more natural and easy manner through the use of hand gestures. Hand gestures are often applied in 3D interaction techniques for converting the manipulation mode. This paper will discuss the interaction technique in a virtual environment using a combination of the Push and Pull navigation and the rotation technique. The unimanual use of these 3D interaction techniques can improve the effectiveness of users in their interaction with and manipulation of 3D objects. This study has enhanced the capability of the unimanual 3D interaction technique in terms of 3D interaction feedback in virtual environments.
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