Particle Swarm Optimization, Elman Recurrent Neural Network, Quantum, classificationAbstract
There are many drawbacks in BP network, such as trap into local minima and may get stuck at regions of a search space. To solve these problems, Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) has been executed to improve ANN performance. In this study, we exploit errors optimization of Elman Recurrent Neural Network (ERNN) with a new enhance method of Particle Swarm Optimization with an addition of quantum approach to optimize the performance of both networks with bounded Vmax function. Main characteristics of Vmax function are to control the global exploration of particles in Particle Swarm Optimization and Quantum approach is used to improve the searching ability of the individual particle of PSO. The results show that for cancer dataset, Quantum Particle Swarm Optimization in Elman Recurrent Neural Network (QPSOERN) with bounded Vmax of hyperbolic tangent depicted 96.26% and Vmax sigmoid function with 96.35% which both furnishes promising outcomes and better value in terms of classification accuracy and convergence rate compared to bounded standard Vmax function with only 90.98%.Â
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