Hibrid cell, DSSC, piezoelectric, Power Nano Generator, electrospinning, dye N719, flowrate, nanofiber, AZO, ZnOAbstract
This study aims to explore the possibilities of hybrid cells to convert photon and mechanical energies in a semiconductor area. A device with a hybrid ability was successfully fabricated from AZO (Al doped ZnO) semiconductor nanofibre-based materials by an electrospinning method. The N-719 dye was used to synthesize the semiconductors. The hybrid cell of DSSC and piezoelectric use flowrates of precursor as a measurement parameter on the electrospinning machine which differences of nanofiber diameters were formed on the collector. Furthermore, aluminum as doping material was also applied to ZnO in order to reduce the size of the fibers. When the hybrid cell worked as solar cells based on AZO, an open circuit voltage was produced in the range of 0.421 to 0.507 V. In greater flow of precursors condition, Voc of DSSC will be slightly decreased. On the AZO-based DSSC, the highest Jsc was 1,147 mA/cm2. When the cell worked as a power nano generator, Voc and highest output power of AZO-based cells were 119 mV and 24,8 nW repectively on the flow rate of 2 mL/min. Â
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