Optical Waveguides In BenzoCyclobutene (BCB 4024–40) Polymer
Proses fabrikasi dan pencirian bagi pandu gelombang optik mod tunggal yang berdasarkan bahan polimer sensitif cahaya, BenzoCyclobutene (BCB 4024–40) dibincangkan. Ketebalan filem polimer bagi pelbagai kelajuan putaran enapan dan indeks biasan polimer diukur menggunakan kaedah prisma gandingan. Pandu gelombang ini difabrikasi menggunakan kaedah fotolitografi dan punaran kimia basah di atas bahan kaca BK7 dan lapisan nipis SiO2 sebagai pelindung. Kehilangan pandu gelombang diukur menggunakan kaedah konvensional ‘cut back’ yang menghasilkan purata kehilangan sebanyak 3.5 dB/cm. Kata kunci: Polimer BenzoCyclobutene; kaedah putaran enapan; kaedah punaran kimia basah; prisma gandingan The fabrication and characterization processes of single mode optical waveguide based on photosensitive BenzoCyclobutene (BCB 4024–40) polymer are described. The polymer film thickness for various coating speed and refractive index are measured by the method of prism coupling. The waveguide is fabricated using the photolithography and chemical etching technique on BK7 glass substrate with a thin layer of SiO2 as cover. The waveguide loss is measured using the conventional cut back method which results on an average loss of 3.5 dB/cm. Key words: BenzoCyclobutene polymer; spin coating technique; chemical etching technique; prism coupling; cutback methodDownloads
Science and Engineering
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How to Cite
Optical Waveguides In BenzoCyclobutene (BCB 4024–40) Polymer. (2012). Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering), 53(1), 49–56. https://doi.org/10.11113/jt.v53.105