Adsorption, ion exchange resin, hexanoic acid, octanoic acid, phenolic compounds, pHAbstract
Adsorption of model solution containing organic acids (octanoic and hexanoic acid) and phenolic compounds (rutin, scopoletin and quercetin) on a weak base anion exchange Amberlite IRA 67 resin was studied in a model system. This research was carried out to understand the effect of pH on single and multicompounds studied for its further use in actual system (fruit system). It was shown that the pH dependence of adsorption capacity of weak base anion exchange Amberlite IRA 67 resin had similar increasing trend on organic acids (hexanoic and octanoic acid) and phenolic compounds (rutin, scopoletin and quercetin) studied as pH values increased. In single solution of each phenolic compound, it was observed that total phenolic content (TPC) and antioxidant activity (FRAP and DPPH) gave highest values closer to neutral pH regime. The pH dependence of adsorption capacity in multicompounds solution also showed similar trend for organic acid compounds. Similar trend was also found in multicompounds solution of phenolic compounds in total phenolic content (TPC) and antioxidant activity (FRAP and DPPH). The findings obtained in this study will help to gain better understanding of the complex mechanisms of ion exchange resin and adsorption process involving multicompounds system.
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