Particle distribution, 9Be(p, n)9Be reaction, double layer BSA, spectrum of neutron beam, PHITS programAbstract
An analysis on the distribution of particle flux emanating from reactions of 30 MeV-proton with beryllium target in a double layer beam shaping assembly (BSA) has been carried out using the PHITS program. It studies important parameters relating to the distribution of proton, neutron, and gamma. It is revealed that reactions of proton and beryllium in double layer BSA produce fast neutrons and other protons, resulting from certain reactions, and recoil protons from the interactions of fast neutrons and hydrogen atoms. Fast neutrons are distributed around beryllium target, moderator, reflector, and collimator. They are moderated by Al and LiF material. Epithermal neutrons spread along the moderator, with a distribution that is tapering down as it approaches the end of the collimator (aperture). During its travel along the moderator, an epithermal neutron decreases in energy to become a thermal neutron. The spectrum of neutron beam produced by the double layer BSA is wide, which indicates that the neutron beam exiting the aperture consists of three kinds of neutrons, dominated by epithermal neutronswith energy range 1 eV – 10 keV. ÂReferences
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