Factors Affecting Customer Satisfaction of the Wi–Fi Services


  • Nora Muda
  • Nur Riza Mohd Suradi




Measuring the quality of service and customer satisfaction is ultimately important for ISPs to remain in business. In order to achieve a good quality of service, understanding the two-way relationship among customers in a variety of patterns of quality of service is crucial. Three methods of analysis namely; Penalty Rewards Contrast Analysis (PRCA), Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) and Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) were used in the analysis to identify the causes of the main problems that affect the level of customer satisfaction. For the PRCA analysis, factors that were categorized as onedimensional are service quality, promotion, as well as payment of bills of paid Wi-Fi services and the promotional factor of free Wi-Fi services. Based on the IPA results, there were eight attributes for paid Wi-Fi services and four attributes of free Wi-Fi services in the first quadrant. These attributes are important but their performance are low. Therefore, these attributes need to be emphasized further to increase their level of performance. Meanwile, the CSI analysis showed that all five factors are found to be at a good level and being categorized in the indifferent zone. Keywords: Wi-Fi; customer satisfaction Index; penalty reward contrast analysis; important performance analysis Pengukuran kualiti perkhidmatan dan kepuasan pelanggan adalah sangat penting bagi ISP untuk kekal dalam perniagaan. Bagi mencapai kualiti perkhidmatan yang baik, memahami hubungan dua hala di kalangan pelanggan di pelbagai corak kualiti perkhidmatan adalah penting. Tiga kaedah analisis iaitu Analisis Kontras Hukuman Ganjaran (PRCA), Analisis Kepentingan Prestasi (IPA) dan Indeks Kepuasan Pelanggan (CSI) telah digunakan dalam analisis bagi mengukur kepuasan pelanggan untuk mengenal pasti punca masalah utama yang memberi kesan kepada tahap kepuasan pelanggan. Untuk analisis PRCA, faktor-faktor yang telah dikategorikan sebagai satu dimensi adalah faktor kualiti perkhidmatan, kenaikan pangkat, serta pembayaran bil-bil perkhidmatan Wi-Fi berbayar dan faktor promosi perkhidmatan Wi-Fi percuma. Berdasarkan keputusan IPA, terdapat lapan atribut untuk perkhidmatan Wi-Fi berbayar dan empat atribut bagi perkhidmatan Wi-Fi percuma berada dalam kuadran pertama. Atribut-atribut ini didapati penting tetapi prestasi mereka adalah rendah. Oleh itu, atribut-atribut ini perlu diberi penekanan untuk meningkatkan lagi tahap prestasi mereka. Manakala, analisis CSI pula menunjukkan bahawa kesemua lima faktor didapati berada pada tahap yang baik dan yang dikategorikan dalam zon acuh tak acuh. Kata kunci: Wi-Fi; indeks kepuasan pelanggan; analisis kontras penalti ganjaran; analisis kepentingan prestasi






Social Sciences

How to Cite

Factors Affecting Customer Satisfaction of the Wi–Fi Services. (2012). Jurnal Teknologi, 60(1), 57-63. https://doi.org/10.11113/jt.v60.1448