Dosimetry, BNCT, thyroid cancer, cyclotron, PHITSAbstract
The dosimetry analysis of Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) on thyroid cancer using the Particle and Heavy Ion Transport Code System (PHITS) has been carried out. The purpose of research was to determine the received dose rate and the irradiation time required for thyroid cancer therapy using the BNCT method. The geometry of thyroid model is based on MIRD phantom with cancer cells located in the center of the thyroid. The phantom was irradiated using a neutron source from DLBSA based 30 MeV cyclotron. Simulations were carried out at boron concentrations of (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, and 70) mg/g tissue. Simulation results show that the boron concentration increases with dose rate. The highest dose rate was obtained in the Gross Target Volume (GTV) of 1.590 x 10-2 Gy/s using a boron concentration of 70 mg/g tissue. The effective time for cancer therapy was calculated based on the highest dose rate obtained at 57 minutes.
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