Revetment, Hydrology, Hydraulics, Tides, Channel CapacityAbstract
The village of Kunjir often experiences floods caused by suboptimal drainage systems, land use changes, and revetment construction. The utilization of EPA SWMM proves to be an interesting solution to address flood issues. The research aims to analyze the drainage channel capacity using the EPA SWMM program, assess the tidal influence on the channels, and provide solutions to the existing problems. The method involves hydrological and hydraulic analysis using Microsoft Excel and the EPA SWMM program. Rainfall and topographic data are utilized to determine flood discharge, while existing channel data are used to calculate channel capacity. HWL values are used to analyze the tidal influence on the channels. The modeling process involves creating a network scheme and inputting data into the existing channels. The program is executed, and evaluations are conducted on problematic channels. Redesign planning is implemented by altering channel dimensions and re-running the simulations. The conclusion indicates that channels 2B, 2B1, 2B1 Left, 2C, and 2D cannot accommodate the flow discharge, tidal influence affects channel 1C, Box Culvert, and Downstream River, and solutions include enlarging channels, adding bottom slope to channels, regular maintenance, and installing floodgates to mitigate tidal effects.
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