Aircraft cabin, mixing ventilation, CFD, OpenFOAM, ventilation performanceAbstract
The ventilation system of a commercial aircraft cabin plays an important role in ensuring passenger comfort and health during the flight. The commonly utilized ventilation system in aircraft cabin is mixing ventilation, where air is supplied either through the ceiling or sidewalls. However, ventilation efficiency can be affected by different types of mixing ventilation systems. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate airflow distribution and ventilation performance of various types of mixing ventilation systems, namely ceiling ventilation (CV), sidewall ventilation (SV), and the combination of ceiling and sidewall ventilation (CSV) of a generic scaled-down empty aircraft cabin. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) with Launder-Sharma Low Reynold Number (L-S LRN) turbulence model using Open-source Field Operation and Manipulation (OpenFOAM) software was utilized in this simulation. For all simulated cases, two large circulation regions were observed on both sides of the aircraft cabin, with CV depicted a greater size of circulation compared to other ventilation approaches. The velocity profiles clearly showed the difference between the three ventilation systems, particularly in the merged jet area. Furthermore, different type of ventilation system affects the distribution of the age of the air in the aircraft cabin. The ceiling supplemented with the sidewall mixing system or CSV is able to reduce the age of the air, indicating that it has better ventilation efficiency.
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