FIBOD, Balance Assessment, Single Leg Stance, Sensor-based, Stability IndicesAbstract
Assessing balance is essential for determining the likelihood of falling, particularly in older populations and rehabilitative situations. Traditional methods of assessing balance, such as the single leg stance, have been shown to be beneficial. However, these methods do not give the same level of information as more modern instruments. This study examines the accuracy and reliability of a sensor-based balance evaluation tool known as the Fitness Balance Board (FIBOD). FIBOD is a unique instrument that is used for both balance training and correct assessment, besides existing balance evaluation methods. While conducting the study, individuals with good health were recruited and a series of trials were conducted under different ‘test and trial’ settings to assess the efficacy of SLS in comparison to FIBOD. The Overall Stability Index (OSI) of FIBOD has a mean value of 3.66±2.54, which suggests that it is highly sensitivity. The Medio-Lateral Stability Index (MLSI) and Anterior-Posterior Stability Index (APSI) had average values of 2.71±2.32 and 2.21±1.53, respectively. In addition, the angular velocity of the sway was measured at 3.60±2.89 degrees per second. The Pearson correlation coefficient of -0.814 between OSI and SLS in closed-eye situation indicates a significant and substantial negative association. The confidence interval ranging from -0.922 to -0.589 demonstrated a strong connection.
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