Liquid carbonitriding, fatigue test, hardness, shape notch, FLIFAbstract
The current work includes studying the effect of heat treatment using liquid carbon nitriding technology on steel notched (Mechanical testing is part of the process; include tests for surface microhardness, fatigue before and after treatment,tensile testing and chemical analysis of the material. Before treatments, fatigue testing was done on the notched specimens at room temperature under full reverse bending stress. Obusirved that V-notching the specimen reduced strength and fatigue life of steel. The results showed that heat treatments significantly increased strength and fatigue life; in comparison to untreated samples, heat treatments increased fatigue life by 12.5% and 20%, respectively. Finding that the carbonitriding method of hardening produced a surface hardness of 868.71HV, which was 73% higher than the non-hardened samples.The fatigue strength increased to 338.55 MPa and 455.56 MPa at 30° and 90 °, respectively, at the highest temperature due to saturation of the surface with carbon and nitrogen atoms.
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