The Effect of Mobile Applications on English Vocabulary Acquisition
Mobile technologies, e-learning, mobile learning, mobile applications, english language learningAbstract
The study reported here investigates the use and effectiveness of mobile applications in English vocabulary learning. Vocabulary acquisition is an important part of language learning. The advancement in technology has greatly improved the existing setting in education world in recent years. The wide use of mobile wireless technologies also has created more opportunities to shift the traditional academic environment to mobile learning. Interactive multimedia is a great avenue for the communication and education. This research studies intermediate-level English learners’ performance before and after using mobile applications that were introduced to the study group as an intervention. It examines whether multimedia courseware affects the vocabulary learning in the second language acquisition. The quantitative data revealed positive change in learners’ performance and the questionnaire analysis indicated that using the applications helped enhance learning of vocabulary, confidence, class participation and that, students had a positive tendency toward the use of multimedia in education.
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