The Antibacterial Properties of Bayur Tissues’ Extract (Pterospermum subpeltatum C.B. Rob)


  • Pince Salempa Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Makassar State University, Indonesia
  • Alfian Noor Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Makassar State University, Indonesia
  • Tjodi Harlim Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Makassar State University, Indonesia
  • Nunuk Hariani Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Makassar State University, Indonesia
  • Muharram Muharram Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Makassar State University, Indonesia
  • Sudding Sudding Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Makassar State University, Indonesia



Pterospermum Subpeltatum C. B. Rob, antibacterial, traditional medicine, Shigella boydii, Staphylococcus aureus


Pterospermum is of plant genus in the Sterculiaceae family, which has never been studied for its secondary metabolite compound. The others species from this genus have long been used in generations of traditional medicine. For example, P. Javanicum has been used to treat dysentery, toothaches and ulcers. From the antibacterial testing carried out on some tissues of Pterospermum subpeltatum by GNA diffusion method,  this plant showed antibacterial potential, especially toward Shigella boydii and Staphylococcus aureus.


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How to Cite

The Antibacterial Properties of Bayur Tissues’ Extract (Pterospermum subpeltatum C.B. Rob). (2014). Jurnal Teknologi, 69(5).