Applying the Horizon Based Tomography Method to Update Interval Velocity Model, Identify The Structure of Pre-Stack Depth Migration 3D and Estimate The Hydrocarbon Reserve In SBI Field of North West Java Basin


  • Sudra Irawan Department of Informatics Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Batam, Batam, Indonesia
  • Sismanto Sismanto Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • Adang Sukmatiawan Pertamina EP Region Jawa, Banten, Indonesia



Horizon based tomography method, interval velocity model, pre-stack depth migration (PSDM), hydrocarbon reserve estimation


Seismic data processing is one of the three stages in the seismic method that has an important role in the exploration of oil and gas. Without good data processing, it is impossible to get seismic image cross section for good interpretation. A research using seismic data processing was done to update the velocity model by horizon based tomography method in SBI Field, North West Java Basin. This method reduces error of seismic wave travel time through the analyzed horizon because the existence velocity of high lateral variation in research area. There are three parameters used to determine the accuracy of the resulting interval velocity model, namely, flat depth gathers, semblance residual moveout that coincides with the axis zero residual moveout, and the correspondence between image depth (horizon) with wells marker  (well seismic tie). Pre Stack Depth Migration (PSDM) form interval velocity model and updating using horizon-based tomography method gives better imaging of under-surfaced structure results than PSDM before using tomography. There are three faults found in the research area, two normal faults have southwest-northeast strike and the other has northwest-southeast strike. The thickness of reservoir in SBI field, North West Java Basin, is predicted between 71 to 175 meters and the hydrocarbon (oil) reserve is predicted about  with 22.6% porosity and 70.7% water saturation.



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How to Cite

Applying the Horizon Based Tomography Method to Update Interval Velocity Model, Identify The Structure of Pre-Stack Depth Migration 3D and Estimate The Hydrocarbon Reserve In SBI Field of North West Java Basin. (2014). Jurnal Teknologi, 69(6).