Pengaruh Jarak Tanaman dan Umur Semaian ke atas Prestasi Padi Wangi Tempatan
Yield, yield components, MRQ74, MRQ76Abstract
Studies on effect of planting distance and seedling age on performance of local fragrant rice varieties, MRQ74 and MRQ76 were conducted in Ladang Merdeka Mulong, KADA during off season 2011 (OS 2011) and main season 2011/12 (MS 2011/12). Result shows that planting distance and seedling age influenced the yield and selected yield components. Recommended planting distance within row for both varieties regardless of cropping season was 18 cm while suitable seedling age for both varieties during OS 2011 and MS 2011/12 was 30 and 15 days, respectively.Â
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