Development of Integrated Library System: A Case Study of TRAMPIL Foundation ‘s Learning Center


  • Lily Puspa Dewi Informatics Department–Faculty of Industrial Technology, Petra Christian University, Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Sugiarto Sugiarto Informatics Department–Faculty of Industrial Technology, Petra Christian University, Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Andy Febrico Bintoro Informatics Department–Faculty of Industrial Technology, Petra Christian University, Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Arlinah Imam Raharjo Trampil Foundation, Surabaya, Indonesia



Library System, Yii Framework, learning center, library collection, library management


TRAMPIL Foundation is a social foundation that is engaged in the education field by providing learning facilities for public in Surabaya, especially for teachers or educators to improve their teaching quality.  The Foundation established the learning centers are spread all over Indonesia to provide the learning facilities for people in the rural area. The learning center sets up the library and under supervises by the foundation in Surabaya. In this study, we will develop a system to integrate collection data of each learning center. This system is expected may help the librarian to manage and distribute the information of both physical and digital collections. This system is also able to help librarian for monitoring the system usage therefore that it can be used as an evaluation of the development of learning centers. The system is implemented in web technology using Yii framework. Based on a questionnaire given to the system stakeholders, 100% assess the software meets the library business’ needs and present accurate data. 100% of respondents measure the overall software is high.


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How to Cite

Development of Integrated Library System: A Case Study of TRAMPIL Foundation ‘s Learning Center. (2015). Jurnal Teknologi, 72(4).