Polymer Based Directional Coupler Thermooptic Optical Switch


  • Abu Sahmah Mohd. Supaat
  • Abu Bakar Mohammad
  • Norazan Mohd. Kassim




Pengoptimuman bagi satu suis optik termooptik polimer 2x2 berasaskan pengganding berarah menggunakan perisian Prometheus telah dilakukan. Perubahan panjang gandingan terhadap fungsi dimensi pandu gelombang, sela jarak pandu gelombang dan perbezaan index berkesan telah dikaji. Kedudukan elektrod pemanas, di mana pemaksimuman perbezaan indek berkesan di antara cabang telah dioptimumkan. Dengan indek beza jelas 0.005 di antara teras dan penyalutan, aras cakap silang –40 dB dan –37 dB bagi keadaan silang dan bar masing-masing telah dicapai. Kata kunci: Suis optik termooptik, pengganding berarah, cakap silang, sela jarak pandu gelombang, panjang gandingan The optimization of 2x2 polymer based directional coupler (DC) thermooptic (TO) optical switch (DCTOPS) using Prometheus software has been demonstrated. The coupling length variations as a function of waveguide dimension, waveguide gap, and effective index difference have been studied. The position of the electrode heater, which maximizes the effective index difference between branches have been optimized. With the index contrast of 0.005 between the core and the cladding, the crosstalk level of –40 dB and –37 dB for the cross state and the bar state of TO switch can be achieved respectively. Keywords: Thermooptic optical switch, directional coupler, crosstalk, waveguide gap, coupling length






Science and Engineering

How to Cite

Polymer Based Directional Coupler Thermooptic Optical Switch. (2012). Jurnal Teknologi, 40(1), 1–8. https://doi.org/10.11113/jt.v40.407