Simulation of EDFA System Using EDFA_Design Software
Kertas kerja ini mempersembahkan penilaian kebolehan perisian EDFA_Design dalam simulasi sistem EDFA. Hasil simulasi ciri-ciri EDFA seperti pancaran spontan berganda, gandaan, nilai hingar dan spektrum gandaan dibandingkan dengan hasil eksperimen yang sejajar. Perbandingan yang dibuat antara hasil simulasi dan hasil eksperimen menunjukkan bahawa nilai simulasi secara amnya mempunyai persetujuan yang baik dengan nilai eksperimen. Perbezaan yang timbul pada isyarat rendah dan kuasa pam tinggi adalah kurang daripada 1 dB. Walau bagaimanapun, dalam kawasan isyarat tinggi, perbezaan yang wujud meningkat kepada 2.6 dB dan merosot lagi di kawasan kuasa pam rendah. Pada keseluruhannya, perisian EDFA_Design ternyata merupakan satu alat yang berguna bagi simulasi ciri-ciri EDFA. Kata kunci: EDFA, simulasi, EDFA_Design, penilaian This paper presents the evaluation of the EDFA_Design software capability in simulating the EDFA system. Simulation results of the EDFA characteristics such as amplified spontaneous emission, gain, noise figure, and gain spectrum are compared with corresponding experimental values. The comparisons made between the simulation and experimental results show that the simulated values are generally in good agreement with the experimental values. The discrepancy in the low signal and high pump region is less than 1 dB. However, in the large signal region, this dicrepancy increases up to 2.6 dB and is worse in the low pump region. Overall, the EDFA_Design software proves to be a useful tool in simulating EDFA characteristics. Keywords: EDFA, simulation, EDFA_Design, evaluationDownloads
Science and Engineering
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How to Cite
Simulation of EDFA System Using EDFA_Design Software. (2012). Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering), 40(1), 17–24.