Motivating Factors to Breastfeed an Adopted Child in a Muslim Community in Malaysia


  • Zilal Saari Faculty of Islamic Civilization, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia
  • Farahwahida Mohd Yusof Ibnu Sina Institute For Scientific & Industrial Research (ISI-SIR), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia



Induced lactation, adoptive breastfeeding, qualitative data, Islamic jurisprudence, milk kinship in Islam


Breast milk is the best milk for babies. Breastfeeding is not exclusive to biological mothers only, it is relevant to adoptive mothers too. Women who have never given birth are also able to produce breast milk by following induced lactation method. According to Islamic fiqh law (jurisprudence), woman who breastfeed a child who is not her biological child will be mahram to her nurse child. Therefore the aim of this study is to examine the motivating factors to breastfeeding a foster child in a Muslim community in Malaysia. This is a qualitative study using case studies and grounded theory. A total of 12 foster-mothers whom have successfully breastfed their foster children by induced lactation method were involved in this study. The method of collecting data is semi-structured interviews. Qualitative data were analyzed using QSR NVivo Version 10 software using the techniques of content analysis, word based analysis and code based analysis. This study found, the main motivating factor for a foster-mothers to breastfeed her foster child is to build a mahram relationship with her foster child, followed by the maternal instinct, psychology, nutrition, technology, offspring and obligations. Breastfeeding a foster child in the context of a Muslim community in Malaysia aims to achieve two objectives: Islamic tenet (syariat) and goals of humanity. Both of these goals are linked by science i.e. induced lactation technology. This study proves that a Muslim foster-mother can apply induced lactation as a way to build a fosterage (milk kinship) relationship with her foster child which ultimately facilitate in their family life.


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Mausu’ah al-Hadith






Science and Engineering

How to Cite

Motivating Factors to Breastfeed an Adopted Child in a Muslim Community in Malaysia. (2015). Jurnal Teknologi, 74(1).