Effect Of Operating Parameters On The Minimum Fluidisation Velocity Of An Inclined Fluidised Bed


  • Mohd. Rozainee Taib
  • Andri Cahyo Kumoro




Fenomena kebendaliran pada lapisan terbendalir satah condong (IFB) masih di peringkat awalan dan kurang mendapat perhatian jika dibandingkan dengan lapisan terbendalir biasa walaupun terdapat banyak penerapan lapisan terbendalir yang tidak mengikut ciri lapisan terbendalir biasa. Tujuan kajian ini dilakukan adalah untuk menentukan kesan sudut kecondongan, saiz zarah dan komposisi zarah ke atas halaju kebendaliran minimum (Umf). Eksperimen ini dijalankan dengan menggunakan IFB segi empat tepat berdimensi 7 x 50 cm dilengkapi dengan distributor berketebalan 2 mm yang mempunyai lubang berdiameter 1 mm dan peratusan bukaan 2.98%, manometer air dan pemampat udara. Metode pengurangan berperingkat halaju udara masukan digunakan untuk menentukan halaju kebendaliran minimum. Tiga parameter yang diselidiki ialah sudut kecondongan, diameter zarah dan komposisi percampuran zarah. Keputusan yang didapati menunjukkan Umf berkurangan dengan penambahan sudut kecondongan. Pasir bersaiz kecil mempunyai Umf yang rendah. Tambahan lagi, percampuran pasiran yang mempunyai nisbah zarah bersaiz kecil yang tinggi menunjukkan Umf yang rendah. Oleh itu, kesan sudut kecondongan dan nisbah zarah bersaiz kecil dalam satu campuran pasiran terhadap Umf menunjukkan hubungan berkadar songsang, manakala kesan saiz zarah memberikan hubungan berkadar linear terhadap Umf. Kata kunci: lapisan terbendalir; condong; halaju kebendaliran minimum Fluidisation phenomena in an inclined fluidised bed (IFB) systems are poorly understood and receive less attention as compared to that of vertical fluidised bed although in practice there are many fluidised bed systems not vertically oriented. The objective of this work is to investigate the effect of inclination angle, particle size and particle composition to the minimum fluidisation velocity (Umf). The experiments were conducted in a rectangular IFB of dimension,7 cm x 50 cm a 2 mm thick metal distributor plate with 1 mm holes diameter (2.98 % opening area), water manometer, flow meter and compressor for fluidising air supply. The gradual decreasing velocity method was used to investigate the Umf. Three operating parameters were observed, namely angle of inclination, particle diameters and the compositions of mixed particles. The experimental results showed that the Umf of the particles is lower at higher angle of inclinations. The smaller particles have a lower Umf. The mixed sand with higher smaller particles mass fraction also has a lower Umf. Therefore, the effects of inclination angle and smaller particles mass fractions in the mixed sand to the Umf were observed to follow an inverse function, while, the particle size is linearly related to the Umf. Key words: fluidised bed; inclicned; minimum fluidisation velocity






Science and Engineering

How to Cite

Effect Of Operating Parameters On The Minimum Fluidisation Velocity Of An Inclined Fluidised Bed. (2012). Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering), 38(1), 25–36. https://doi.org/10.11113/jt.v38.480