Identifying Energy Saving Opportunities In A Process Plant Through Preliminary Energy Audit


  • Zainuddin Abdul Manan



Peningkatan kecekapan tenaga loji proses memerlukan pemantauan, analisis serta pengubahsuaian parameter operasi loji yang tertentu, dan, kadangkala, modifikasi loji. Usaha ini melibatkan kajian ke atas agihan tenaga loji serta kehilangan tenaga akibat dari pelbagai kegunaan tenaga. Skop serta tempoh kajian bergantung kepada jenis loji, keperluan operasi loji serta kekangan yang terlibat. Adalah disarankan supaya odit tenaga permulaan dibuat sebelum odit tenaga terperinci dilaksanakan. Pendekatan ini akan membantu pengurusan loji membezakan antara potentsi penjimatan tenaga segera berbanding skima yang memerlukan pelaburan serta kajian lanjut. Kertas kerja ini menggariskan kaedah serta skop odit tenaga permulaan bagi meningkatkan kecekapan tenaga loji proses. Prosedur ini melibatkan pemahaman loji, pengumpulan data, analisis penggunaan serta kehilangan tenaga bagi bahagian-bahagian tertentu loji, analisis keputusan serta saranan pembaikan yang disertakan dengan justifikasi ekonomi. Contoh kajian ke atas dua jenis loji proses yang berbeza juga dibentangkan. Kata kunci: Kecekapan tenaga; pengubahsuaian loji; odit tenaga; pembaikan loji; kehilangan tenaga Improving plant energy efficiency requires monitoring, analysis and adjustments of the appropriate plant operating parameters and in some cases, plant modifications. This involves studies of plant energy distribution and the corresponding losses associated with the various uses of energy. The scope and duration of a study may vary depending on the complexity of a plant and various operational requirements and constraints. The recommended practice is to run a preliminary energy audit on a plant before conducting a detailed retrofit project. Such exercise helps plant managers to differentiate between the immediate energy saving potentials from those requiring either some investments or further studies. This paper outlines the methodology and the scope involved in a preliminary study to improve overall plant energy efficiency. The procedure includes plant familiarization, data collection and parameter measurement, analysis of energy consumption and losses in the various sections of a process plant, analysis of the results and recommendation of measures supported by economic justifications. Examples of studies completed for two different plants are also presented. Key words: Energy efficiency; plant modifications; energy audit; plant improvement; energy losses






Science and Engineering

How to Cite

Identifying Energy Saving Opportunities In A Process Plant Through Preliminary Energy Audit. (2012). Jurnal Teknologi, 38(1), 37–48.