
  • Ho Wei Yong School of Science and Technology, University Malaysia Sabah Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia
  • Abdullah Bade School of Science and Technology, University Malaysia Sabah Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia
  • Rajesh Kumar Muniandy School of Medicine, Universiti Malaysia Sabah Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia




D reconstruction, direct volume rendering, breast cancer, scientific visualization


Over the past thirty years, a number of researchers have investigated on 3D organ reconstruction from medical images and there are a few 3D reconstruction software available on the market. However, not many researcheshave focused on3D reconstruction of breast cancer’s tumours. Due to the method complexity, most 3D breast cancer’s tumours reconstruction were done based on MRI slices dataeven though mammogram is the current clinical practice for breast cancer screening. Therefore, this research will investigate the process of creating a method that will be able to reconstruct 3D breast cancer’s tumours from mammograms effectively.  Several steps were proposed for this research which includes data acquisition, volume reconstruction, andvolume rendering. The expected output from this research is the 3D breast cancer’s tumours model that is generated from correctly registered mammograms. The main purpose of this research is to come up with a 3D reconstruction method that can produce good breast cancer model from mammograms while using minimal computational cost.


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Science and Engineering

How to Cite

3D RECONSTRUCTION OF BREAST CANCER FROM MAMMOGRAMS USING VOLUME RENDERING TECHNIQUES. (2015). Jurnal Teknologi, 75(2). https://doi.org/10.11113/jt.v75.4978