
  • Edy Tonnizam Mohamad Geoengineering and Geohazards Research Group, Department of Geotechnics and Transportation, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310, UTM Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia
  • Maybelle Liang Geoengineering and Geohazards Research Group, Department of Geotechnics and Transportation, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310, UTM Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia
  • Nurmunirah Mohd Akhair Geoengineering and Geohazards Research Group, Department of Geotechnics and Transportation, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310, UTM Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia




Weathering, sandstone, wet tropical, moisture effect, point load strength


 The influence of moisture content to the strength of wet tropically weathered sandstone of Jurong Formation found in Nusajaya, Johor was studied. The rock materials have been affected by weathering action; hence the alteration of its engineering properties is incontestable due to these effects. A total of 36 samples representing various weathering grades were collected from the field and tested at various moisture content by immersing them in water at different duration of time, ranging from 15, 30 and 60 minutes. Point load tests for the determination of the strength index Is(50) of the rock were then carried out. For weathered sandstone (Grade II to IV), the mean initial moisture content ranges from 0.15% to 11.00% respectively, while the initial mean strength index has maximum and minimum values of 7.76 MPa and 0.38 MPa. The results reveal that there is a significant relationship between the weathering grades, moisture absorption and strength. The moisture absorption is dependent on the amount of clay minerals present in the rock material, which indirectly affects the strength, as observed with the increment of weathering state. In conclusion, this study indicates that sandstone with higher moisture content and increase in weathering grade exhibits lower strength values.



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Science and Engineering

How to Cite

EFFECT OF WET TROPICAL WEATHERING ON THE STRENGTH OF SANDSTONE. (2015). Jurnal Teknologi, 76(2). https://doi.org/10.11113/jt.v76.5440