Human machine system (HMS), human adaptive mechatronics (HAM), artificial neural network (ANN), driving skill.Abstract
The existence of the new improvement system for Human Machine System (HMS) is called as Human Adaptive Mechatronic (HAM) system. The main difference between these two systems is the relationship between human and machine in the system. HMS is one way relationship between human and machine while HAM is a two way relationship between human and machine. In HAM, not only human need to adapt the characteristics of machine but the machine also has to learn on human characteristics. As a part of mechatronics system, HAM has an ability to adapt with human skill to improve the performance of machine. Driving a car is one of the examples of application where HAM can be applied. One of the important elements in HAM is the quantification of human skill. Therefore, this project proposed a method to quantify the driving skill by using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) system. Feedforward neural network is used to create a multilayer neural network and five models of network were designed and tested using MATLAB Simulink software. Then, the best model from five models is chosen and compared with other method of quantification skill for verification. Based on results, the critical stage in designing the network of the system is to set the number of neurons in the hidden layer that affects an accuracy of the outputs.
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