The Growth Rate of Haemophilus Paragallinarum Profile in Shake Flask Fermentation; Determination [Substrate]CRITICAL


  • Maizirwan Mel
  • Mohamad Roji S.
  • Ramlan Abd. Aziz



Penentuan kadar [substrat]kritikal adalah sangat penting dalam proses fermentasi terutama di dalam pengoptimuman pengeluaran vaksin coryza. Objektif kajian ini adalah untuk mengkaji kesan substrat yang berbeza ke atas penghasilan sel Hpg dan kesan perbezaan kepekatan sumber karbon yang dipilih bagi kadar pertumbuhan spesifik Hpg. Berdasarkan keputusan yang diperolehi, didapati fruktosa telah menghasilkan kepekatan biojisim Hpg yang tertinggi diikuti oleh maltosa, laktosa, glukosa, dan sukrosa. Walau bagaimanapun, untuk mendapatkan kos operasi yang rendah, glukosa telah dipilih sebagai sumber karbon yang sesuai, serta ia mampu memberikan hasil yang memuaskan dalam penghasilan sel Hpg. Kepekatan glukosa yang kritikal didapati pada 0.5%, sejajar dengan kadar pertumbuhan Hpg pada 0.4 per jam. Kata kunci: haemophilus paragallinarum (Hpg); substrat kritikal; kadar pertumbuhan spesifik Determination [substrate]critical is important in a fermentation process especially for optimizing coryza vaccine production. The objectives of the study were to establish the effect of different substrates on the production of Hpg cell and to study the effect of different concentration of a selected carbon sources on the specific growth rate of Hpg. The data obtained indicate that fructose produced the highest concentration of cell biomass of Hpg, closely followed by maltose, lactose, glucose, and sucrose. However, from operating cost point of view, glucose was selected as the most suitable carbon source due to its low cost and acceptable Hpg cell yield. The critical glucose concentration was found to be at 0.5 %, which corresponds to specific growth rate Hpg of 0.4 h–1. Key words: haemophilus paragallinarum (Hpg); critical substrate; specific growth rate






Science and Engineering

How to Cite

The Growth Rate of Haemophilus Paragallinarum Profile in Shake Flask Fermentation; Determination [Substrate]CRITICAL. (2012). Jurnal Teknologi, 36(1), 55–60.