
  • Kamarul Faizal Hashim School of Computing, Universiti Utara Malaysia.
  • Muhammad Afif Zamani School of Computing, Universiti Utara Malaysia.
  • Muhammad Fuad Othman School of International Studies, Universiti Utara Malaysia
  • Zaheruddin Othman School of Government, Universiti Utara Malaysia
  • Alias Azhar School of Law, Universiti Utara Malaysia



Social media, adoption, higher institution


The use of social media within higher learning institute has resulted positive impacts on students engagement in teaching and learning activities. Current studies have acknowledged the importance of social media as one of the facilitating tools that promotes active participations among students. Although higher learning institution is introduce to new innovation, but when it comes to adopting they are always considered as late adopter. Thus, these studies examine the level of social media usage among lecturers for teaching purposes. Besides that, this study also examines the motives and barriers that hinder lecturers from using social media for teaching purposes. This study adopts a quantitative research method approach. The finding of this research found that 70% of UUM lecturers used social media for teaching purposes and most of them are categorized as early adopters.


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