
  • Arafat Abdulgader Mohammed Elhag Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Computer Study, International University of Africa (IUA), 2469 Khartoum, Sudan
  • Radziah Mohamad Department of Software Engineering, Faculty of Computing, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia



Design metrics, coupling, cohesion, complexity, reusability, design metrics, service principles, design properties, theoretical validation


As software systems become more and more complex over time, software quality accordingly becomes increasingly important. Service-Oriented Computing (SOC) paradigm is one of the established paradigms used for building and developing flexible, reusable, rapid and low cost software products. Consequently, the use of SOC to develop software systems is increasing. Software quality measurement has considerable importance in the context of SOC since it determines how the quality requirements for composite service should be achieved. As a result, several quality metrics for composite service design were proposed. However, these metrics were constructed based on previous development approaches, give insufficient focus and need modification to be applied to service-oriented systems. Furthermore, the existing metrics do not consider the composite service as building blocks and also they do not consider the indirect relationships. In this paper, a quality measurement for composite service-oriented design is proposed, with the aim of increasing reusability and decreasing the complexity of design. The paper begins with proposing a set of metrics to measure the quality of composite service design. Then, the proposed metrics are validated theoretically to check its usability and applicability for composite service. The results show that the proposed metrics are able to measure the quality of composite service design.


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