Numerical Modelling of Thermo–Hydro–Mechanical (THM) in Deforming Porous Media for Subsurface Systems
Kajian aliran berbilang–fasa dan aliran haba dalam bahantara berliang separa tepu menjadi semakin penting dalam kejuruteraan geomekanik persekitaran kerana ia berkait rapat dengan pengukuhan bahantara berliang itu di dalam zon tidak tepu. Satu model berangka telah dikembangkan untuk menghuraikan masalah terganding haba–hidro–mekanikal (THM) dalam bahan berliang boleh ubah bentuk dengan aliran dua–fasa. Hubungan yang disarankan oleh Brooks dan Corey telah digunakan kepada tekanan rerambut, ketepuan air dan kebolehtelapan air serta gas. Satu kajian lanjutan dibuat ke atas model berangka tersebut berasaskan kod COMES–GEO untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang berlaku dalam zon tak tepu di medan telaga Kg. Puteh, Kota Bharu, Kelantan iaitu sebuah akuifer cetek yang berpotensi untuk mengeluarkan bekalan air bumi terbanyak di daerah Kota Bharu. Untuk menunjukkan model dan prosedur penyelesaiannya, rumusan pelaksanaan berangka dan contoh–contoh masalah dibincangkan di dalam kajian ini. Kata kunci: Aliran berbilang-fasa; aliran haba; bahan berliang boleh ubah bentuk; model berangka;zon tidak tepu; haba-hidro-mekanikal. The study of multiphase flow and heat flow in partially saturated porous media is important in environmental geomechanics engineering because of its relevance to consolidation of porous media in unsaturated zone. A numerical model which describes the thermo–hydro–mechanical (THM) coupled problems in deformable porous material with two–phase flow has been developed. The relationships between capillary pressure, saturation of water and relative permeabilities of water and gas, proposed by Brooks and Corey was used. An extended study of the numerical model, based on the COMES–GEO code was conducted recently to solve unsaturated problems in local condition of Kg. Puteh wellfield, Kota Bahru. This site is a potential shallow aquifer which contribute to the largest groundwater supply in Kota Bahru, Kelantan. Some numerical investigation on the proposed formulation is discussed with illustrative example problems to demonstrate solution procedures and validating of the model. Key words: Multiphase flow; heat flow; deforming porous media; numerical model; unsaturated zone; thermo-hydro-mechanical.Downloads
Science and Engineering
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How to Cite
Numerical Modelling of Thermo–Hydro–Mechanical (THM) in Deforming Porous Media for Subsurface Systems. (2012). Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering), 34(1), 31–44.