Dimensional Analysis As Applied To Scouring Around Bridge Piers In Alluvial Rivers
Percubaan telah dibuat untuk menganalisa masalah hakisan dasar di sekitar tiang jambatan di dalam sungai lanar dengan penggunaan cerakinan dimensa. Proses hakisan sekitar tiang jambatan dipengaruhi oleh sebilangan angkubah-angkubah kompleks yang berkaitan. Hakisan di sekliling tiang jambatan didapati bergantung kepada dimensa jambatan dan saluran, Nombor Froude, nisbah pengecutan, ciri-ciri bahan dasar, dan parameter-parameter berhubung dengan alat-alat mengawal hakisan. Data terdahulu juga digunakan bagi menyokong kemasukan dan penyisihan beberapa angkubah yang penting. An attempt has been made to analyse the problem of the erosion around bridge piers in alluvial rivers with the help of dimensional analysis. The scouring process in the vicinity of a bridge pier is controlled by a number of complex interrelated variables. Scour around bridge piers is shown to depend primarily on the dimension of the pier and channel. Froude number, contraction ratio, properties of the bed material and parameters related to devices controlling the scour. Previous data are also employed to support the inclusion or exclusion of some of the important variables.Downloads
Science and Engineering
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How to Cite
Dimensional Analysis As Applied To Scouring Around Bridge Piers In Alluvial Rivers. (1983). Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering), 3(1), 59-66. https://doi.org/10.11113/jt.v3.680