Persuasive Technology, Captology, AwarenessAbstract
This paper reviews an empirical research of persuasive technology (PT) with the aim are to: (i) examine the result of the 25 persuasive technology studies related to awareness as the intended outcome, (ii) investigate the effects of persuasive technology usage to target users (iii) to examine computer roles in creating awareness to users and the effects of persuasive technology to the domain of studies. The main aim of this review is to assist researchers developing a reference in setting a future research in a persuasive technology particularly in awareness domain. Result from the review indicates that persuasive technology has the ability to increase user awareness toward certain context or issues. Most of the studies shows that the computer as a media and social actor gives more impact to increase the awareness compared to the computer as a tool. It can be concluded that understanding the appropriate persuasive strategy is important in helping researchers developing effective applications towards the intended outcome. This paper also has an implications towards designing persuasive system and as a references for future research.
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