
  • Abdul Syafiq Bahrin M3DIA Lab, School of Multimedia Technology & Communication, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia
  • Juliana A. Abubakar M3DIA Lab, School of Multimedia Technology & Communication, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia
  • Abdul Razak Yaakub M3DIA Lab, School of Multimedia Technology & Communication, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia



Visual aesthetics, user experience, interactive products, creative content


The purpose of this study is to determine visual aesthetic attributes for user experience. As interactive digital media and their associated content have diversified, there are difficulties in finding universal visual aesthetic guidelines. While previous studies look into each unique user experience, there is little focusing on meta-analysis of visual aesthetics in providing user experience. Thus, by means of content analysis, this study attempts to determine visual aesthetics attributes for sense-based user experience. As a result, a consolidated model which comprises of visual aesthetics attributes and its inter-connections with regard to human senses is developed. This model offers guidance for creative industry practitioners in designing and developing aesthetic interactive digital media and creative content. 


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