Microstrip Bandwidth Enhancement Using Log Periodic Technique with Inset Feed
Ketas kerja ini menerangkan berbagai teknik untuk memperbaiki lebar jalur antena mikrojalur. Salah satu teknik yang dibincangkan secara khusus adalah teknik log periodik. Reka bentuk, penyelakuan dan fabrikasi antena log periodik dengan cara suapan inset telah dibincangkan. Antena telah direka bentuk dengan tatasusunan sebelas unsur. Prestasi antena tersebut dikaji dari segi lebar jalur, gandaan relatif kepada antenna dwikutub, pemencilan kutub silang dan lebar alur. Kata kunci: Antena mikrojalur, antena log periodik, antena jalur lebar, lebar jalur, gandaan This paper describes the various techniques to improve the bandwidth of a microstrip antenna. One of the techniques that has been discussed in detail is the log periodic technique. The design, simulation, and fabrication of log periodic antenna (LPA) with inset feed method has been discussed. The antenna has been designed with eleven element array. The performance of the antenna has been investigated in terms of bandwidth, gain relative to a dipole antenna, cross–polar isolation, and beamwidth. Key words: Microstrip antenna, log periodic antenna, wideband antenna, bandwidth, gainDownloads
Science and Engineering
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How to Cite
Microstrip Bandwidth Enhancement Using Log Periodic Technique with Inset Feed. (2012). Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering), 41(1), 53–66. https://doi.org/10.11113/jt.v41.710