Characteristic of Co–Polyamide Nanofiltration Membrane: The Effect of Reaction Time


  • A. L. Ahmad
  • B. S. Ooi
  • M. M. D. Zulkali
  • J. P. Choudhury



Membran penurasan nano yang diubahsuai daripada polipiperazinamida telah dihasilkan dalam masa tindakbalas yang berbeza. Membran berkenaan dicirikan terhadap liang saiz dan ketebalan berkesan/keporosan dengan menggunakan model DSPM. Liang membran menjadi kecil pada permulaan tindakbalas disebabkan proses pengaitan bersilang tetapi liang saiz akan bertambah untuk jangkamasa tindakbalas yang lebih lama kerana kelemahan dinding liang membran. Walau bagaimanapun, nilai ketebalan berkesan/keporosan bertambah dengan masa dan menjadi stabil selepas 60s. Kesan masa tindakbalas terhadap liang saiz adalah tidak ketara berbanding dengan kesannya terhadap ketebalan berkesan/keporosan. Selama 2 minit tindakbalas, nilai ketebalan berkesan/keporosan untuk lapisan penapis berubah sebanyak 150%. Kata kunci: Penurasan Nano, masa tindakbalas, saiz liang, ketebalan berkesan/keporosan Modified polypiperazinamide nanofiltration membranes were fabricated under different reaction time. The membranes were characterized for its pore size and effective thickness/porosity using Donnan Steric Pore Flow Model. The pore size was reduced initially due to the crosslinking process but becomes larger at longer reaction time because of the weaker pores wall. On the other hand, the effective thickness/porosity grows with polymerization time and becomes constant after 60s. The effect of reaction time on the pore size is not as significant as effective thickness/porosity. Within 2 minutes of polymerization time, the effective thickness of the barrier layer would vary about 150%. Key words: Nanofiltration, reaction time, pore size, effective thickness/porosity






Science and Engineering

How to Cite

Characteristic of Co–Polyamide Nanofiltration Membrane: The Effect of Reaction Time. (2012). Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering), 41(1), 49–60.