
  • Nesti Fronika Sianipar Department of Food Technology, Faculty of Engineering Bina Nusantara University, Tangerang 15325, Indonesia
  • Ragapadmi Purnamaningsih Indonesian Center for Agricultural Biotechnology and Genetic Resources Research and Development (BB-Biogen), Bogor 16111, Indonesia
  • Devie Lolita Gumanti Student Alumna of Biology Department, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Pelita Harapan, Tangerang15811, Indonesia
  • Rosaria Rosaria Student Alumna of Biology Department, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Pelita Harapan, Tangerang15811, Indonesia
  • Merry Vidianty Student Alumna of Biology Department, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Pelita Harapan, Tangerang15811, Indonesia



Typhonium flagelliforme lodd, mutant, morphology, rapd molecular markers


Rodent tuber (Typhonium flagelliforme Lodd.) is an herbal medicinal plant with anticancer activity. The genetic diversity of rodent tuber is low due to vegetative propagation. Somatic cell population of rodent tuber from Bogor had been irradiated with gamma ray to increase genetic diversity. There were 37 clones of first generation putative mutant (MV1) which had been analyzed based on morphological and RAPD markers. Out of those 37 MV1 clones, there were 17 clones which had undergone genetic mutation and had a diversified genetic profile. MV1 had been regenerated to fourth generation putative mutant clones (MV4). This research was aimed to analyze the mutation stability of MV4 based on morphological and RAPD markers. Clone 6-1-2 had the highest increase of the number of shoots and leaves than control and the other MV4 clones, with 4.7 and 19.7 shoots and leaves, respectively. Clone 6-1-1-6 obtained the highest increase in plant height than control and the other MV4 clones, i.e. 25.2 cm. Clone 6-9-5 had the weightiest fresh and dry weight, i.e. 41.67 gram and 12.01 gram respectively. RAPD molecular marker analysis of MV4 by using 15 primers had produced 64 polymorphic DNA bands out of 146 total bands. OPD-10 primer produced the highest number of polymorphic bands, i.e. 15 polymorphic bands out of 17 total bands with sizes 200-2000 bp. RAPD profile of MV4 had showed 5 main clusters at similiarity coefficient cut-off 0.91. Morphological characterization and RAPD analysis had proved the stability of genetic mutation of MV4.


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