
  • Jasman Pardede Informatics Department, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Institut Teknologi Nasional (Itenas), Bandung, Indonesia
  • Milda Gustiana Husada Informatics Department, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Institut Teknologi Nasional (Itenas), Bandung, Indonesia



VSM, GVSM, LSI, performance, multithread


Vector space model (VSM) is an Information Retrieval (IR) system model that represents query and documents as n-dimension vector. GVSM is an expansion from VSM that represents the documents base on similarity value between query and minterm vector space of documents collection. Minterm vector is defined by the term in query. Therefore, in retrieving a document can be done base on word meaning inside the query. On the contrary, a document can consist the same information semantically. LSI is a method implemented in IR system to retrieve document base on overall meaning of users’ query input from a document, not based on each word translation. LSI uses a matrix algebra technique namely Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). This study discusses the performance of VSM, GVSM and LSI that are implemented on IR to retrieve Indonesian sentences document of .pdf, .doc and .docx extension type files, by using Nazief and Adriani stemming algorithm. Each method implemented either by thread or no-thread. Thread is implemented in preprocessing process in reading each document from document collection and stemming process either for query or documents. The quality of information retrieval performance is evaluated based-on time response, values of recall, precision, and F-measure were measured. The results show that for each method, the fastest execution time is .docx extension type file followed by .doc and .pdf. For the same document collection, the results show that time response for LSI is more faster, followed by GVSM then VSM. The average of recall value for VSM, GVSM and LSI are 82.86 %, 89.68 % and 84.93 % respectively. The average of precision value for VSM, GVSM and LSI are 64.08 %, 67.51 % and 62.08 % respectively. The average of F-measure value for VSM, GVSM and LSI are 71.95 %, 76.63 % and 71.02 % respectively. Implementation of multithread for preprocessing for VSM, GVSM, and LSI can increase average time response required is about 30.422%, 26.282%, and 31.821% respectively.  


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How to Cite

COMPARISON OF VSM, GVSM, AND LSI IN INFORMATION RETRIEVAL FOR INDONESIAN TEXT. (2016). Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering), 78(5-6).