A Design Program For The Linear Equalizer That Minimizes The Mean Square Error


  • Mohamad Ashraf




A design program with detailed illustrative example, for the linear equalizer that minimizes the mean square error due to intersymbol interference in its output signal, is presented. The results are evaluated for many types of distortion channels which have been selected from a wide range of common signal distortions.This includes the various combinations of amplitude and phase distortions.A synchroneous serial digital baseband signal is assumed throughout. The digital signal is transmitted over the linear time invariant baseband channel whose impulse response is known. The practical imple mentation of the filters and the techniques on the automatic or adaptive adjustment of the equalizer taps are not considered. The aim of the paper is to show the basic principles of the linear equalizer that minimizes the mean square error, with the aid of the design program and the example.The design of the linear equalizer is based on a statistical criterior in time domain and the study is confined to simple transversal equalizers whose tap gains do not vary except in response to a change in a channel.






Science and Engineering

How to Cite

A Design Program For The Linear Equalizer That Minimizes The Mean Square Error. (1985). Jurnal Teknologi, 7(1), 14-25. https://doi.org/10.11113/jt.v7.948