
  • Noor Bahadm Hashim Dept. of Hydraulic and Hydrology Faculty of Civil Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia



In the development of a water quality model for Back Bay of Biloxi, the Water Quality Analysis Sirnulation-5 (WASPS) was used. The model is calibrated to a set of field data acquired on Back Bay of Biloxi, during June 14 - 16, 1977 and is verified with another set of field data taken in the Bay, during July 28 - August 2, 1972. The transport mechanisms of the estuary are modeled in each of the 376 segments of two-dimensional vertically mixed system by simulating salinity as a conservative tracer. Comparisons of the predicted and observed salinity data are made qualitatively by using spatial and temporal comparisons ,and quantitatively by statistical comparisons. The response of model prediction calculations is consistent with trends of the observed salinity data ranges, but not with absolute values in all cases. The results indicate that the model can accurately predict the concentration of salinity in the range of observed data taken at low and high tide conditions.


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How to Cite

SHORT-TERM SALINITY PREDICTIONS IN BACK BAY OF BILOXI, MISSISSIPPI. (2017). Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 7(2).