Field measurements on the hydraulic conductivity (K) of several developed and undeveloped peat soils using auger hole method were conducted. Developed deep peat has hydraulic conductivity values in the range of 6.32x 10-4 to 4.44 X 10-3 (0.55 to 3.84 mid). The studies also indicated that developed shallow peat has a conductivity value of 5.55xlO-4 to 5.67xI0-3 cm/s (0,48 to 4.90 mid), while shallow undeveloped peat K value was in the range of 9.24xlO-4 to 1.92x10-3 cmls (0.80 to 1.66 mid). The values of peat hydraulic conductivity's were found to be difficult to relate with their depth and development stages . This is because a number of uncertain variables such as the capillary potential, the existence of macro and micro-pores and their tortuosity are difficult to measure. These variables can definitely contribute to the K value of peat.
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