Pore Pressure Response of Undrained Two-Way Cyclic Loading of Silt


  • Aminaton Marto Department of Geotechnics and Transportation, Faculty of Civil Engineering , Universiti Teknologi Malaysia




A series of stress -controlled undrained two-way cyclic loading tests were
performed on reconstituted samples of isotropically con solidated Keuper Marl silt
(LL = 36%, PI = 19%) of various stress histories and stress levels. The series
included cyclic loading with and without rest-periods, and resulted in either
failure or non-failure .of the sample during cyclic loading. Following a restperiod,
non-failure samples were subject to further cyclic loading. Studies on the
pore pressure response of normall y consolidated samples indicated that
permanent pore pres sure developed steadily with the loading period, but the rate
of development decreased as the loadin g period increased. A linear relationship
was found to exist between the normalised permanent pressure rate and time,
plotted on logarithmic scales.


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How to Cite

Pore Pressure Response of Undrained Two-Way Cyclic Loading of Silt. (2018). Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 11(1). https://doi.org/10.11113/mjce.v11.15617