Predicting Elevations.of Water Surface in A Tidal Water System


  • Noor Baharim Hashim Dept. of Hydraulic and Hydrology, Faculty of Civil Engineering,, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
  • Adnan Shindala Dept. of Civil Engineering, Mississippi State University, U.S.A
  • Victor L. Zitta Dept. of Civil Engineering, Mississippi State University, U.S.A



Aquifer susceptibility, Groundwater exploitation, Negative impacts of overexploitation, Yogyakarta-Sleman groundwater basin


In predicting the tidal elevations in the Back Bay of Biloxi in Mississippi, the Water
Quality Analysis Simulation-S (WASP5) hydrodynamics model DYNHYD5 was
utilized. Model calibration of the tidal elevations was initially accomplished
utilizing historical data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) during the
period June 14-16, 1977 along with a second set of data collected by the U. S.
Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) during the period July 28-August 2,
1972. Final model calibration was performed utilizing a set of field data acquired
on the Back Bay of Biloxi, during September 12-21, 1994 and during April 25 May
2, 1995. Comparisons of the predicted and observed tidal data are made
qualitatively by using temporal comparisons. The respon se of model prediction
calculations is consistent with trends of the observed data ranges, but not with
absolute values in all cases. The results indicate that the model can accurately
predict the tidal elevations in the Bay under varying conditions of estuarine flow .


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How to Cite

Predicting Elevations.of Water Surface in A Tidal Water System. (2018). Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 11(1).