The Effects of Electrolytes on the Liquid Limit of Clay


  • Mohamed Zahry Othman Dept. of Geotechni c and Transportation Faculty of Civil Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
  • Faridah Sham Department of Structures and Materials Faculty of Civil Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia



The liquid limit of clay treated with e lectrolytes were investigated and examined
with respect to electrolyte types and concentration , time-dependent effects, and
mineralogy Of clay. The findings indicated that the types and concentration of
ele ctrolytes in the pore fluid of clay have a marked effect on the liquid limit of
clay. Ageing has a pronoun ced effect on the liquid limit, particularly for clay
treated with cemen ting agents.


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How to Cite

The Effects of Electrolytes on the Liquid Limit of Clay. (2018). Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 11(1).