The Technology ofGIS For Civil Engineering Profession


  • Mohd Zulkifli Mohd Yunus Department of Geotechnics and Transportation Facul ty of Civi l Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia



The work describes a case study in which Geographi c Information System
(GIS) techn ology was used as a tool in developing an existing derelict site into
one with new con struction purp ose s and infrastructure. The case study
identifies all the necessary ava ilable resources and types of spatial information
requi red including topograp hic mapping, geotec hnical data and survey of past
land uses . In order to · fac ilitate investigation of modelling and handling
problems, data of different resolutions,' formats ..and ... .sources are brought
together in a GIS application package. Integration of dat a in such a manner has
been found useful and advantages as proven by the resul ts of procedural
meas ures adopted in the studies . The two procedural measures were namely,
(i) to check the appropri ateness of some generic GIS functions customised for
ci vil enginee ring appl ications and (ii) to chec k if GIS-technology is capable of
handling data managementfor civil engineeri ng purposes.


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How to Cite

The Technology ofGIS For Civil Engineering Profession. (2018). Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 11(1).