Estimating The Pass-By and Diverted Trips for "Shopping Typed Land Use


  • Abdul Aziz Chik Department of Geotechnics and Transportation Faculty of Civil Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
  • Ravi Shankar Department of Geotechnics and Transportation Faculty of Civil Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia



Trip generation represents a key input in traffic impact" assessment. "The
accuracy and equitability of the traffic study hinge on the trip generation rates
that are applied. Until recently, local engineers have utilized trip generation
rates which have been produced abroad, especially the trip rates published by
the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). This study "attempts to
investigate and produce weekday trip rates and equations for shopping
complexes in the Klang Valley. The focus of this study is on large shopping
complexes, especially those with gross built up area of above 600,000 ft2. In
addition to establishing trip rates, this study also focuses on the rates for pass-by
and diverted trips. Pass-by and diverted trips are traffic that already using the
road network adjacent to the shopping complex and "may attracted to the
shopping complex. Extensive traffic surveys were carried out to determine the
pass-by and diverted trips. Following which a correlation analysis "was
conducted to test the suitability of the various independent variables in "
estimating the observed traffic generation. The results showed that, the gross
built up area and gross "leasable area provide a good fit with the observed traffic
volume. For the pass-by and diverted trips, traffic volumes on the adjacent
streets yield the best estimates. Based on these analyses, trip generation rates for
the pass-by and diverted trips during the generator peaks were established.


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How to Cite

Estimating The Pass-By and Diverted Trips for "Shopping Typed Land Use. (2018). Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 11(2).