A Review On Effects of Using Electrochemical Extraction Technique In Corrosion Treatment of Reinforced Concrete


  • Mohammad Ismail Department of Structures and Materials Faculty of Civil Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
  • Nordin Yahaya Department of Structures and Materials Faculty of Civil Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia




Traditional patch repair of concrete suffers from corrosion of the reinforcements
due to the presence of chloride which as penetrated beyond the reinforcement.
Methods based on electrochemical technique either in the form of cathodic
protection or electrochemical chloride extraction have been used to alleviate this
problem. Since electrochemical chloride extraction is a new technique that
adopts higher current density with short duration of treatment, this paper reviews
the possible side effects that might be caused in using this technique. The review
covers possible physical and chemical effects such as steel/concrete bond
strength and alkali-aggregate reaction.


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How to Cite

A Review On Effects of Using Electrochemical Extraction Technique In Corrosion Treatment of Reinforced Concrete. (2018). Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 13(1). https://doi.org/10.11113/mjce.v13.15637