
  • Zularisam Ab. Wahid Environmental Engineering Department, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
  • Fadhil Othman Environmental Engineering Department, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
  • Johan Sohaili Environmental Engineering Department, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia




Magnetic, Sewage, Treatment


Magnetic treatments for water and wastewater attract a special attention due to
their safety, ecological purity, simplicity and low operating costs. Thus this
study was carried out in order to determine the feasibility and effectiveness of
applying magnetic technology for a better understanding of the sewage
characteristics. The main objectives of this research are to investigate the
feasibility of magnetic technology in assisting sedimentation of suspended
particles and to understand the mechanism and impact of magnetic application in
sewage. The effects of various parameters, magnetic field strength, flow rate,
usage of pin-jet and magnetic orientations are used to investigate their
effectiveness on the suspended solids removal. A series of electromagnets
magnets was used as a reactor in this study and the sewage was taken from
Taman Sri Pulai, Johor with estimated PE of 10,300. Experiments indicate that
suspended solids removal increases as magnetic field strength and exposure time
are increased and flow rate is decreased. It was found out that magnetic field
increases the suspended solids removal by 41 percent to 49 percent at 670 Gauss
compared to untreated raw sewage. Besides that usage of pin-jet in the
magnetically treatment reactors also help to increase another 6 percent of the
suspended solids removal. Study carried out also shows that magnetic field
enhances the suspended solids removal by accelerating the settling of sludge
(settlement time) as well as increasing the sludge density. Hence this technology
is definitely beneficial in reducing the volume of sedimentation tank as well as
increasing the treatment plant efficiency.


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How to Cite

ELECTROMAGNETIC TECHNOLOGY ON SEWAGE TREATMENT. (2018). Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 13(1). https://doi.org/10.11113/mjce.v13.15638