Collapsible soils, wetting, experimental investigation, chemical treatmentAbstract
Collapsible soils are unsaturated soils which present the potential for large strains and complete change to the whole particle structure after wetting with or without loading. These soils are characterized with loose structures composed of silt to fine-sand-size particles. Collapsible soils are deposited in arid and semi-arid regions. Due to the expansion of human activities, these regions are occupied aggressively leading to the use of large quantities of water which create favorable conditions for soil collapse. The soils failure leads to severe damages and large distresses to man-made structures. The experimental study on reconstituted soil in laboratory consists of the evaluation of the effect of a saline solution of sodium chloride at different, water content and levels of compaction energy on the collapsible potential. The method used is based on oedometer tests with variation of the vertical stress. The study clearly reveals the influence of the salt concentration on the change of microstructural characteristics of the reconstituted soil and reduction of the collapse potential .References
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