Sulphate-reducing bacteria, culture media, pure culture, corrosion, lactic acidAbstract
Sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB) represent themselves as a class of anaerobic bacteria that can reduce sulphate to sulphide for obtaining energy. This paper is aimed to detect sulphatereducing bacteria activities using rapid detectable culture media. Two different strains of sulphate-reducing bacteria were used in this study, namely ATCC 7757 and local bacterial strain of SRB isolated from underground sample. Both strains were tested on three recommended culture media of modified Baar‟s, Postgate B and Postgate C. All three medium contained lactic acid which served to be as carbon source. The results showed that modified Baar‟s medium is the best medium for the growth of ATCC 7757 while Postgate C medium is recommended for the local SRB bacterial strain.References
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