
  • Mohammad Mehdi Masoumi Department of Civil Engineering, Young Researchers and Elite Club of Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Fars, Iran
  • Hanieh Banakar Department of Textile Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran
  • Bahar Boroomand Department of Architecture, Central Tehran Branch Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran



Ancient Persian lime mortar, Sarooj, Sarooj ingredients and process


Sarooj is an ancient Persian lime mortar of great antiquity which is hydraulic lime mortars and so compatible with the environment because of its ingredients. Sarooj has been used frequently in Iran since 1200 B.C. until the last decades, especially in the southern area; across the Persian Gulf, the most different climates which proves that Sarooj is highly compatible with different climates. The more practical methods of setting procedure of Sarooj is explained in detail. One of the most important features of Sarooj is its impermeable characteristic among mortars. Sarooj has not been a major highlight among researchshers for many years, but recently this material has started to gain some interest among researchers in Iran. This paper highlight the importance and benefit of Sarooj in construction by revieweing its ingredients, chemical and mix design, additives, and physical properties of Sarooj.


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How to Cite

REVIEW OF AN ANCIENT PERSIAN LIME MORTAR “SAROOJ”. (2018). Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering, 27(1).